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Showing posts with the label happiness

Settling in with TSM and Naltrexone Day 4.

Last night I had one scotch/soda and afterwards thought about having a second one but the urge wasn't strong enough. I watched a couple of episodes of Modern Family with my husband. I found it particularly interesting to realize that the character, Clare, has AUD. Or at least that is my diagnosis. I wonder if the writers did that knowingly or just because it's a fairly common thing that middle-aged mums (moms) do. ...Self-medicating to wind down from a busy day of working, houseworking and raising a family and the underlying slight resentment that the man of the family doesn't have the same pressures outside of the workplace. ...and thus the cycle begins. Today, I'm feeling really quite happy and settled. I had a restful sleep waking once but went back to sleep without thinking about it. Frankly, the best sleep I've had in years.  This morning I got onto my old bike and rode with my child to school today. It felt great. ...cold but great. :-)