Fourteen weeks ago I started on a journey to cure myself of alcohol dependency via a little known at home treatment using Naltrexone in conjunction with the Sinclair Method. When I say little known, that is to say it's little known in Australia but not in Finland where upwards of 77,000 Fins have been cured of alcoholism using the same method. It's a safe and inexpensive treatment done in the privacy of your own home with many added bonusses... Dignity is restored, shame is removed, the symptoms of depression and anxiety lift within a relatively short period. The short explanation of how the Sinclair Method works is NALTREXONE + DRINK = CURE but before you dive blindly into that there is more you need to be aware of. Online support is invaluable. You'll be warmly welcomed and greatly helped at Options Save Lives forum which is moderated by C Three Foundation. Online education is imperative. Dispel the myths about Naltrexone ...